Single Review - The Enemy / So Much Love

Written by Sal Wilcox

'So much Love' is the latest track from The Enemy. Usually my opening sentence would include some fancy adjectives so I could pretend I know lots about the band and their genre, but alas this time I cannot.

A few close friends of mine are big fans The Enemy, but I've never had the pleasure of listening to them. They've been on me 'to listen' list for ages, but I've never gotten around to doing so. However, after listening to 'So much Love', I shall definitely be giving their Spotify a cheeky raid.

The track is the epitome of happy-go-lucky indie. Catchy synth pop riffs accompanied by melodic choruses, elevated by peppy piano and ebullient percussion. The lyrics possess a quirky charm and the reference to Joy Division ('you are my Unknown Pleasure') made my inner indie fan girl chuckle.

The overall vibe of the song is just so happy and feel good that you can't help but sing and dance along. It's by no means a masterpiece, it's a little repetitive and sounds like every other happy indie-pop love song. That being said, it is really catchy and I can easily envisage myself singing it in the shower and it will undoubtedly get crowds going during live performances.